唯一性检查在 CMDB 里比较重要,大部分 CI 都不希望重复。iTop 2.6 之前并没有支持唯一性检查功能,需要使用 DoCheckToWrite
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public function DoCheckToWrite() { parent::DoCheckToWrite(); $finalclass = $this->Get('finalclass'); // friendlyname of FunctionalCI has to be unique! Currently it' not possible to define this in datamodel (xml) $nameSpec = MetaModel::GetNameSpec(get_class($this)); $sFormat = preg_replace('/%[1-9]\$s/', '%s', $nameSpec['0']); $sArg = $nameSpec['1']; $oArg = array(); /* * 如果组成friendlyname的所有attribute都没有发生变化,那么不进行检查 * 如果不监听变化就进行检查,将导致对象无法更新 * server不适用name作为friendlyname,如果finalclass是Server,同时检查name和friendlyname */ $aChanges = $this->ListChanges(); if($finalclass == "Server" && array_key_exists('name', $aChanges)) { $sServer = $aChanges['name']; $oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL_AllData("SELECT Server WHERE name=:name"); $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oSearch, array(), array('name' => $sServer)); if ($oSet->Count() > 0) { $this->m_aCheckIssues[] = Dict::Format("Class:".$finalclass."/Error:".$finalclass."MustBeUnique", $sServer); } } $isChanges = false; foreach($sArg as $value) { array_push($oArg, $this->Get($value)); if(array_key_exists($value, $aChanges)) $isChanges = true; } $sFunctionalCI = vsprintf("$sFormat", $oArg); if($isChanges) { $oSearch = DBObjectSearch::FromOQL_AllData("SELECT $finalclass WHERE friendlyname=:friendlyname"); $oSet = new DBObjectSet($oSearch, array(), array('friendlyname' => $sFunctionalCI)); if ($oSet->Count() > 0) { $this->m_aCheckIssues[] = Dict::Format("Class:".$finalclass."/Error:".$finalclass."MustBeUnique", $sFunctionalCI); } } } |
2.6 新增了 uniqueness_rules
,用户可以写 XML 来定义约束规则。比起 PHP 代码,方便了不少。比如标准模型中 Person 类的唯一性检查规则:
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<class id="Person" _delta="define"> <parent>Contact</parent> <properties> ... <uniqueness_rules> <rule id="employee_number"> <attributes> <attribute id="org_id"/> <attribute id="employee_number"/> </attributes> <filter><![CDATA[employee_number != '']]></filter> <disabled>false</disabled> <is_blocking>true</is_blocking> </rule> <rule id="name"> <attributes> <attribute id="org_id"/> <attribute id="name"/> <attribute id="first_name"/> </attributes> <filter/> <disabled>false</disabled> <is_blocking>false</is_blocking> </rule> </uniqueness_rules> </properties> <fields> ... |
可以看到 uniqueness_rules
在 properties
下定义。这个规则限制每个组织下不能有相同员工号的 Person
为 name
为 false
其中 filter
为空的情况并不关心,允许为空并且不认为是重复项,因此用 filter
在测试 MGR 的时候,有几个功能会受到影响,出现重复项。因此想测试一下唯一性检查这个重要功能是否靠谱。测试方法也时通过 parallel 并发请求 iTop 接口,调用 API 的脚本如下:
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#!/bin/bash [ $# -lt 2 ] && echo "$0 password url" && exit 1 user=admin password=$1 url=$2 json_data='{"operation":"core/create","comment":"test mgr","class":"Person","output_fields":"id,employee_number,friendlyname","fields":{"org_id":"SELECT Organization WHERE name = \"Demo\"","name":"Xing","first_name":"Ming","employee_number":"2020"}}' curl -s "$url/webservices/rest.php?version=1.3" -d "auth_user=$user&auth_pwd=$password&json_data=$json_data" |jq . |
保存为 unique.sh
,使用 parallel 并发调用:
1 2 3 4 5 |
#!/bin/bash for id in `seq 1 10`;do echo $id;done |parallel -j 3 ./unique.sh admin & for id in `seq 1 10`;do echo $id;done |parallel -j 3 ./unique.sh admin & for id in `seq 1 10`;do echo $id;done |parallel -j 3 ./unique.sh admin & |
最终结果表明,在 MGR 单主,多主以及 单节点上都出现了问题。
1 2 |
// No iTopMutex so there might be concurrent access ! // But the necessary lock would have a high performance cost :( |
dbobject.class.php 中:
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/** * @internal * * @throws \CoreException * @throws \OQLException * * @since 2.6.0 N°659 uniqueness constraint * @api */ protected function DoCheckUniqueness() { $sCurrentClass = get_class($this); $aUniquenessRules = MetaModel::GetUniquenessRules($sCurrentClass); foreach ($aUniquenessRules as $sUniquenessRuleId => $aUniquenessRuleProperties) { if ($aUniquenessRuleProperties['disabled'] === true) { continue; } // No iTopMutex so there might be concurrent access ! // But the necessary lock would have a high performance cost :( $bHasDuplicates = $this->HasObjectsInDbForUniquenessRule($sUniquenessRuleId, $aUniquenessRuleProperties); if ($bHasDuplicates) { $bIsBlockingRule = $aUniquenessRuleProperties['is_blocking']; if (is_null($bIsBlockingRule)) { $bIsBlockingRule = true; } $sErrorMessage = $this->GetUniquenessRuleMessage($sUniquenessRuleId); if ($bIsBlockingRule) { $this->m_aCheckIssues[] = $sErrorMessage; continue; } $this->m_aCheckWarnings[] = $sErrorMessage; continue; } } } # 然后在 DoCheckToWrite 函数中调用唯一性检查 /** * Check integrity rules (before inserting or updating the object) * * **This method is not meant to be called directly, use DBObject::CheckToWrite()!** * Errors should be inserted in $m_aCheckIssues and $m_aCheckWarnings arrays * * @overwritable-hook You can extend this method in order to provide your own logic. * @see CheckToWrite() * @see $m_aCheckIssues * @see $m_aCheckWarnings * * @throws \ArchivedObjectException * @throws \CoreException * @throws \OQLException * */ public function DoCheckToWrite() { $this->DoComputeValues(); $this->DoCheckUniqueness(); $aChanges = $this->ListChanges(); foreach($aChanges as $sAttCode => $value) { $res = $this->CheckValue($sAttCode); if ($res !== true) { // $res contains the error description $this->m_aCheckIssues[] = "Unexpected value for attribute '$sAttCode': $res"; } } if (count($this->m_aCheckIssues) > 0) { // No need to check consistency between attributes if any of them has // an unexpected value return; } $res = $this->CheckConsistency(); if ($res !== true) { // $res contains the error description $this->m_aCheckIssues[] = "Consistency rules not followed: $res"; } // Synchronization: are we attempting to modify an attribute for which an external source is master? // if ($this->m_bIsInDB && $this->InSyncScope() && (count($aChanges) > 0)) { foreach($aChanges as $sAttCode => $value) { $iFlags = $this->GetSynchroReplicaFlags($sAttCode, $aReasons); if ($iFlags & OPT_ATT_SLAVE) { // Note: $aReasonInfo['name'] could be reported (the task owning the attribute) $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef(get_class($this), $sAttCode); $sAttLabel = $oAttDef->GetLabel(); if (!empty($aReasons)) { // Todo: associate the attribute code with the error $this->m_aCheckIssues[] = Dict::Format('UI:AttemptingToSetASlaveAttribute_Name', $sAttLabel); } } } } } |
注意到 DoCheckToWrite
的注释,This method is not meant to be called directly, use DBObject::CheckToWrite()!
唯一性检查未使用 iTopMutex,即和 GET_LOCK 无关,和MGR也无关。在实践中,如果出现并发创建,是有一定几率出现重复项目的。不过也无需太过担心,实践中,两人同时创建相同对象的情况应该是很少的。如果出现了,也可以用 DB工具 来发现并修复问题。