本系列介绍 文本转图片 工具,图形描述语言将图片描述为代码或者文本,有利于版本管理,很适合嵌入 LaTeX 或 Markdown 文档。用于网站时,还可以减轻图片存储压力,因为图片可以根据代码在使用时生成。本文是该系列第九篇,介绍 draft。
A commandline tool that generate High Level microservice & serverless Architecture diagrams using a declarative syntax defined in a YAML file.
A picture is worth a thousand words… and this is particularly true in regard to complex IT architectures.
Draft 是一个命令行工具,能将 使用 YAML 描述的微服务架构转换成 Graphviz Dot 源码,然后用 dot
Draft 架构图的基本单元叫做 组件(components),每个组件可以有以下属性:
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type Component struct { ID string `yaml:"id,omitempty"` // optional - autogenerated if omitted (read more for details...) Kind string `yaml:"kind"` // required (one of: service, gateway, queue, broker, function, storage, database) Label string `yaml:"label,omitempty"` // optional - the component description (or scope) Provider string `yaml:"provider,omitempty"` // optional - you can use this to specify the implementation FillColor string `yaml:"fillColor,omitempty"` // optional - the hex code for the background color FontColor string `yaml:"fontColor,omitempty"` // optional - the hex code for the foreground color Rounded bool `yaml:"rounded,omitempty"` // optional - set to true if you wants rounded shapes } |
Draft使用了一组独立于不同提供商(AWS、Microsoft Azure、GCP)的符号。
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title: Client backgroundColor: '#ffffff' components: - kind: client label: "Web App" fileColor: "#ee82ee" |
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title: Microservice backgroundColor: '#ffffff' components: - kind: service label: "μService" |
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title: Gateway backgroundColor: '#ffffff' components: - kind: gateway label: "API Gateway" |
Message Broker
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title: Message Broker backgroundColor: '#ffffff' components: - kind: broker label: "Message Broker" |
Queue Service
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title: Queue Service backgroundColor: '#ffffff' components: - kind: queue label: "Queue Service" |
Object Storage
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title: Object Storage backgroundColor: '#ffffff' components: - kind: storage label: "*.jpg\n*.png" |
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title: Function backgroundColor: '#ffffff' components: - kind: function label: "Create \nAuth Challange" |
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title: Database backgroundColor: '#ffffff' components: - kind: database label: "Users \nRepository" |
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type Connection struct { Origin struct { ComponentID string `yaml:"componentId"` } `yaml:"origin"` Targets []struct { ComponentID string `yaml:"componentId"` Label string `yaml:"label,omitempty"` Color string `yaml:"color,omitempty"` Dashed bool `yaml:"dashed,omitempty"` Dir string `yaml:"dir,omitempty"` Highlight bool `yaml:"highlight,omitempty"` } `yaml:"targets"` } |
a kind of... | will generate an id prefix with... | examples |
client | cl | cl1, cl2,... |
service | ms | ms1, ms2,... |
gateway | gt | gt1, gt2,... |
broker | br | br1, br2,... |
queue | qs | qs1, qs2,... |
storage | st | st1, st2,... |
function | fn | fn1, fn2,... |
database | db | db1, db2,... |
以上就是全部内容,欢迎到 文本转图片工具 试用。