本系列介绍 文本转图片 工具支持的图形描述语言。图形描述语言将图片描述为代码或者文本,有利于版本管理,很适合嵌入 LaTeX 或 Markdown 文档。用于网站时,还可以减轻图片存储压力,因为图片可以根据代码在使用时生成。本文是该系列第六篇,介绍 Graphviz Dot 语言。
Graphviz 是一款开源图形可视化软件。图可视化是将结构信息表示为抽象图和网络图的一种方法。它在网络、生物信息学、软件工程、数据库和网页设计、机器学习以及其他技术领域的视觉界面方面有重要的应用。
Graphviz 布局程序以简单的文本语言描述图形,并以有用的格式(如 web 页面的图像和 SVG)生成图形;PDF 或 Postscript,以供加入其他文件;或显示在交互式图形浏览器中。Graphviz 对于具体图有许多有用的特性,例如颜色、字体、表格节点布局、行样式、超链接和自定义形状的选项。
Graphviz 有 6 个引擎,分别是:
- dot - “层次”或有向图的分层绘图。如果边具有方向性,这是默认使用的工具。
- neato - “spring model” 布局。如果图不是太大(大约 100 个节点),而且您对它一无所知,那么这是默认的工具。Neato 试图最小化一个全局能量函数,它相当于统计多维尺度。
- fdp - “spring model”的布局类似于neato,但它是通过减少力而不是利用能量来实现的。
- sfdp - fdp 的多尺度版本,用于大图形的布局。
- twopi - 径向布局,after Graham Wills 97。节点被放置在同心圆上,这取决于它们与给定根节点的距离。
- circo - 圆形布局,after Six and Tollis 99, Kauffman and Wiese 02。这适用于多个循环结构的某些图,例如某些电信网络。
Graphviz 内容较多,本文仅简单介绍其语法,更多内容请参考 Graphviz 文档。
使用关键词 graph
开始,连接线用 --
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graph graphname { a -- b -- c; b -- d; } |
使用关键词 digraph
开始,连接线用 ->
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digraph graphname { a -> b -> c; b -> d; } |
DOT语言中,可以对节点和边添加不同的属性。这些属性可以控制节点和边的显示样式,例如颜色,形状和线形。可以在语句和句尾的分号间放置一对方括号,并在其中中放置一个或多个属性-值对。多个属性可以被逗号和空格(, )分开。节点的属性被放置在只包含节点名称的表达式后。
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graph graphname { // label属性可以改变节点的显示名称 a [label="Foo"]; // 节点形状被改变了 b [shape=box]; // a-b边和b-c边有相同的属性 a -- b -- c [ color=blue]; b -- d [style=dotted]; } |
需使用 subgraph
开始,并且子图名称以 cluster_
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digraph G { subgraph cluster_0 { style=filled; color=lightgrey; node [style=filled,color=white]; a0 -> a1 -> a2 -> a3; label = "process #1"; } subgraph cluster_1 { node [style=filled]; b0 -> b1 -> b2 -> b3; label = "process #2"; color=blue } start -> a0; start -> b0; a1 -> b3; b2 -> a3; a3 -> a0; a3 -> end; b3 -> end; start [shape=Mdiamond]; end [shape=Msquare]; } |
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digraph G{ box [shape=box]; polygon [shape=polygon]; ellipse [shape=ellipse]; oval [shape=oval]; circle [shape=circle]; point [shape=point]; egg [shape=egg]; triangle [shape=triangle]; plaintext [shape=plaintext]; plain [shape=plain]; diamond [shape=diamond]; trapezium [shape=trapezium]; parallelogram [shape=parallelogram]; house [shape=house]; pentagon [shape=pentagon]; hexagon [shape=hexagon]; septagon [shape=septagon]; octagon [shape=octagon]; doublecircle [shape=doublecircle]; doubleoctagon [shape=doubleoctagon]; tripleoctagon [shape=tripleoctagon]; invtriangle [shape=invtriangle]; invtrapezium [shape=invtrapezium]; invhouse [shape=invhouse]; Mdiamond [shape=Mdiamond]; Msquare [shape=Msquare]; Mcircle [shape=Mcircle]; rect [shape=rect]; rectangle [shape=rectangle]; square [shape=square]; star [shape=star]; none [shape=none]; underline [shape=underline]; cylinder [shape=cylinder]; note [shape=note]; tab [shape=tab]; folder [shape=folder]; box3d [shape=box3d]; component [shape=component]; promoter [shape=promoter]; cds [shape=cds]; terminator [shape=terminator]; utr [shape=utr]; primersite [shape=primersite]; restrictionsite [shape=restrictionsite]; fivepoverhang [shape=fivepoverhang]; threepoverhang [shape=threepoverhang]; noverhang [shape=noverhang]; assembly [shape=assembly]; signature [shape=signature]; insulator [shape=insulator]; ribosite [shape=ribosite]; rnastab [shape=rnastab]; proteasesite [shape=proteasesite]; proteinstab [shape=proteinstab]; rpromoter [shape=rpromoter]; rarrow [shape=rarrow]; larrow [shape=larrow]; lpromoter [shape=lpromoter]; box->polygon->ellipse->oval->circle->point->egg; triangle->plaintext->plain->diamond->trapezium->parallelogram->house; pentagon->hexagon->septagon->octagon->doublecircle->doubleoctagon->tripleoctagon; invtriangle->invtrapezium->invhouse->Mdiamond->Msquare->Mcircle->rect; rectangle->square->star->none->underline->cylinder->note; tab->folder->box3d->component->promoter->cds->terminator; utr->primersite->restrictionsite->fivepoverhang->threepoverhang->noverhang->assembly; signature->insulator->ribosite->rnastab->proteasesite->proteinstab; rpromoter->rarrow->larrow->lpromoter; } |
Record-based 节点
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digraph structs { node [shape=record]; struct1 [label="<f0> left|<f1> mid\ dle|<f2> right"]; struct2 [label="<f0> one|<f1> two"]; struct3 [label="hello\nworld |{ b |{c|<here> d|e}| f}| g | h"]; struct1:f1 -> struct2:f0; struct1:f2 -> struct3:here; } |
The style attribute can be used to modify the appearance of a node. At present, there are 8 style values recognized: filled, invisible, diagonals, rounded. dashed, dotted, solid and bold
. As usual, the value of the style attribute can be a comma-separated list of any of these. If the style contains conflicts (e.g, style="dotted, solid"
), the last attribute wins.
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digraph G { rankdir=LR node [shape=box, color=blue] node1 [style=filled] node2 [style=filled, fillcolor=red] node0 -> node1 -> node2 } |
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digraph R { rankdir=LR node [style=rounded] node1 [shape=box] node2 [fillcolor=yellow, style="rounded,filled", shape=diamond] node3 [shape=record, label="{ a | b | c }"] node1 -> node2 -> node3 } |
箭头相关属性有 arrowhead
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digraph G{ rankdir=TB; a->b[arrowhead=box,dir=both,arrowtail=diamond,label="both"]; a->c[arrowhead=box,dir=forward,arrowtail=diamond,label="forward"]; a->d[arrowhead=box,dir=back,arrowtail=diamond,label="back"]; a->e[arrowhead=box,dir=none,arrowtail=diamond,label="none",penwidth=8]; } |
基本形状有 11 个,分别是 box
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digraph G{ rankdir=LR; a->box [arrowhead=box]; a->crow [arrowhead=crow]; a->curve [arrowhead=curve]; a->icurve [arrowhead=icurve]; a->diamond [arrowhead=diamond]; a->dot [arrowhead=dot]; a->inv [arrowhead=inv]; a->none [arrowhead=none]; a->normal [arrowhead=normal]; a->tee [arrowhead=tee]; a->vee [arrowhead=vee]; } |
配合 修饰词(modifiers),还可以扩展出很多形状。有如下修饰词:
- l - 裁剪形状,只留下边缘左边的部分。
- r - 裁剪形状,只留下边缘右侧的部分。
- o - 使用形状的开放(非填充)版本。
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digraph G{ rankdir=LR; a->box [arrowhead=box]; a->lbox [arrowhead=lbox]; a->rbox [arrowhead=rbox]; a->obox [arrowhead=obox]; a->olbox [arrowhead=olbox]; a->orbox [arrowhead=orbox]; } |
参见 官方文档。
以上就是全部内容,欢迎到 文本转图片工具 试用。