1 |
rpm -ivh http://mirrors.yun-idc.com/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm |
yum search查询xls2csv
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[root@HADOOP-219 hnu-graduates]# yum search xls2csv Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * epel: ftp.sjtu.edu.cn ======================================== Matched: xls2csv ========================================= catdoc.x86_64 : A program which converts Microsoft office files to plain text |
- http://leslie-chu.blog.163.com/blog/static/199863243201263935085/
- xls2doc
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if [ $# -eq 2 ];then if [ $2 -lt 500 ];then SHOW_NUM=$2 KEY="" else KEY=$2 SHOW_NUM=0 fi else KEY=$2 SHOW_NUM=$3 fi FILE="hnu2014.csv" REPLACE="replace.dat" OUT=$KEY.csv [ "$KEY"x == ""x ] && OUT=all.csv COMPANY=$KEY.txt [ "$KEY"x == ""x ] && COMPANY=all.txt PIC=$KEY [ "$KEY"x == ""x ] && PIC=all echo >$COMPANY grep "$KEY" $FILE >$OUT echo $KEY |grep -E "[0-9]" && ADD_KEY=`grep $KEY $FILE |awk -F "," '{print $4}' |sort |uniq -c |sort -n -r | awk 'NR==1{print $2}'` TOTAL=`wc -l "$OUT" |awk '{print $1}'` TITLE="湖南大学 $KEY $ADD_KEY 2014届 $TOTAL 名毕业生去向(取前 $SHOW_NUM 强)" FONTS="/usr/share/fonts/wqy-microhei/wqy-microhei.ttc" |
去向不区分派遣升学和回原籍灵活就业,所以 报到证开具单位、到人才备注单位和回原籍备注单位统一处理,具体规则是,默认以报到证开具单位为去向,如果到人才备注单位或者回原籍备注单位不为空,则去向用它们的值覆盖。
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function func() { company=`echo $id | awk -F "," '{print $7}'` r_company=`echo $id | awk -F "," '{print $8}'` [ "$r_company"x != ""x ] && company=$r_company p_company=`echo $id | awk -F "," '{print $9}'` [ "$p_company"x != ""x ] && company=$p_company echo $company >>$COMPANY sleep 3 } |
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tmp_fifofile=/tmp/$ $.fifo #$ $之间本无空格,高亮插件bugs不支持无空格形式 mkfifo $tmp_fifofile exec 6<>$tmp_fifofile rm $tmp_fifofile for ((i=0;i<$thread;i++));do echo done >&6 while read id;do read -u6 { func echo >&6 } & done < $OUT wait exec 6>&- |
对具体去向进行处理, 主要是统一去向名称和去重计数及排序。
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file=$COMPANY #sed -i "/^$/d" $REPLACE while read id do echo $id |grep -E "#|^$" && continue search=`echo $id |awk '{print $1}'` replace=`echo $id |awk '{print $2}'` if [ "$replace"x == ""x ];then sed -i "s/$search//g" $file else sed -i "s/.*$search.*/$replace/g" $file fi done<$REPLACE sed -i '/^$/d' $file sed -i 's/\ //g' $file sed -i "s/\(.*银行\).*行.*/\1/g" $file sed -i "s/\(.*公司\).*公司/\1/g" $file sed -i "s/\(.*公司\).*研究所/\1/g" $file sed -i "s/\(.*银行\).*/\1/g" $file sed -i "s/\(.*集团\).*/\1/g" $file sed -i "s/\(.*局\).*/\1/g" $file sed -i "s/\(.*大学\).*学院.*/\1/g" $file sed -i "s/中国\(香港.*\).*/\1/g" $file sed -i "s/.*香港\(香港.*\).*/\1/g" $file sed -i "s/.*美国\(美国.*\).*/\1/g" $file sed -i "s/.*英国\(英国.*\).*/\1/g" $file sed -i "s/.*日本\(日本.*\).*/\1/g" $file sed -i "s/.*澳大利亚\(澳大利亚.*\).*/\1/g" $file cat $file |sort |uniq -c |sort -n -r >all.tmp |
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#研究生相关 保送 考取 博士生 研究生 中国科学院 中国科学院 中科院 中国科学院 中国科技大学 中国科学技术大学 中国科学技术大学 中国科学技术大学 #部队及国家机关 军区 部队 信部 气象局 气象局 海事局 海事局 #信科院 联合网络通信 中国联通 |
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gnuplot<<EOF set term png size $WIDTH,$HIGHT font "$FONTS,$FONTSIZE px" set output "./img/$PIC-h.png" set style data histograms set grid set title "$TITLE" offset graph -$OFFSET set style fill solid 2.00 border set xtic rotate by 300 set ytics $MOST plot "tmp" using 1:xtic(2) EOF |
其中set style data histograms就是指定画柱状图。
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gnuplot> help coordinate The commands `set arrow`, `set key`, `set label` and `set object` allow you to draw something at an arbitrary position on the graph. This position is specified by the syntax: {<system>} <x>, {<system>} <y> {,{<system>} <z>} Each <system> can either be `first`, `second`, `graph`, `screen`, or `character`. `first` places the x, y, or z coordinate in the system defined by the left and bottom axes; `second` places it in the system defined by the second axes (top and right); `graph` specifies the area within the axes---0,0 is bottom left and 1,1 is top right (for splot, 0,0,0 is bottom left of plotting area; use negative z to get to the base---see `set ticslevel`); `screen` specifies the screen area (the entire area---not just the portion selected by `set size`), with 0,0 at bottom left and 1,1 at top right; and `character` gives the position in character widths and heights from the bottom left of the screen area (screen 0,0), `character` coordinates depend on the chosen font size. |
graph已图片左下角为 0,0,右上角为 1,1,根据图片宽度及字体大小(12pt的字体大概宽16px),测算偏移量。一般越宽的图片偏移量越大。下面代码中WIDTH是图片宽度。
1 |
OFFSET=`echo $WIDTH |awk '{print 0.5-16*10/$WIDTH}'` |
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gnuplot<<EOF set term png size $WIDTH,$HIGHT_V font "$FONTS,$FONTSIZE px" set output "./img/$PIC-v.png" set boxwidth 2 absolute set style data histograms set grid #set title "$TITLE" offset graph -$OFFSET set style fill solid $MOST border -1 set xtic rotate by 90 set xtic offset 1,0 set ytic rotate by 90 set ytics $MOST plot "tmp" using 1:xtic(2) EOF |
1 2 3 |
1 2 |
set xtic rotate by 90 set xtic offset 1,0 |
1 2 |
convert -rotate 90 img/$PIC-v.png img/$PIC-v.png.tmp convert -font $FONTS -pointsize 16 -draw "text $TITLE_OFFSET,26 '$TITLE'" img/$PIC-v.png.tmp img/$PIC-v.png && rm -f img/$PIC-v.png.tmp |
1 |
convert -crop "$R_WIDTH x$WIDTH+$RESIZE_ORIGIN+0" img/$PIC-v.png img/$PIC-v.png.tmp && mv img/$PIC-v.png.tmp img/$PIC-v.png |