Grafana开auth.proxy, Nginx+Lua控制cookie及X-WEBAUTH-USER的值 (Enable auth.proxy in Grafana, Then use Nginx+Lua to control cookie and value of X-WEBAUTH-USER).
- Download and install LuaJIT,
- Install Tengine 2.2.1 with configure option
--with-http_lua_module --with-ld-opt="-Wl,-rpath,$LUAJIT_LIB"
- Download and compile lua-cjson, then copy cjson.so to lib dir. Such as
Main Configuration
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upstream grafana { server; } server { listen; server_name grafana.xxx.cn; access_log logs/monitor.proxy.log main; location @client{ proxy_pass http://grafana; } location ^~ /proxy/ { internal; #指定规则为internal规则,防止外部请求命中此规则 rewrite '^/proxy/(http?)/([^/]+)/(\d+)/(.*)' /$4 break; proxy_pass $1://$2:$3; } location / { access_by_lua_file 'conf.d/grafana_sso/sso.lua'; } } |
Access With Out SSO
某种情况下可能不想挑转到sso去认证,比如某个公共的本地账号。这时可以通过Nginx配置绕过SSO认证(Sometimes we may want to login with out SSO, such as a local grafana account for public use. For this situation, we can use Nginx to bypass SSO)
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server { listen; server_name grafana.xxx.cn; access_log logs/grafana-nosso.log main; location / { proxy_pass; } location @client { proxy_pass; } # api访问需要被过滤,否则在开启auth.proxy的情况下任意用户都可以操作API # filter api access. if not , everyone can access api when auth.proxy enabled location /api/ { access_by_lua_file 'conf.d/grafana_sso/sso.lua'; } } |
Full Code
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local secretkey = 'your secretkey' local timeStr = os.date("%x", os.time()) function getSSOUser() local sso = 'https://sso/login.php' local mysite = 'http://monitor' local login_url = sso .. '?next=' .. mysite local request_method = ngx.var.request_method if "GET" == request_method then args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() elseif "POST" == request_method then ngx.exit(405) end -- get m_tk local m_tk = args['m_tk'] if m_tk == nil then ngx.redirect(login_url) end -- check user token local time = os.time() local check_url = 'http/sso/8080/check.php' -- format used by ngx.location.capture && proxy_pass(a httpclient simulation) local key = 'your local key' local cjson = require("cjson") -- Sign algorithm. (base on your SSO) local sign = ngx.md5(xxx) local checkSign = xxx --[[ location ^~ /proxy/ { internal; //指定规则为internal规则,防止外部请求命中此规则 rewrite ^/proxy/(http?)/([^/]+)/(\d+)/(.*) /$4 break; proxy_pass $1://$2:$3; } --]] checkUrl = '/proxy/' .. check_url .. '?' .. checkSign -- simulate a httpclient use ngx.location.capture && proxy_pass local res = ngx.location.capture(checkUrl, { method = ngx.HTTP_GET, }) if res.body then obj = cjson.decode(res.body) code = obj['respond']['code'] --ngx.say(code) if code ~= '0' then --ngx.say(res.body) ngx.exit(401) end objects = obj['results'] arr = ngx.decode_args(objects) local user = arr['u'] return user else ngx.redirect(login_url) end end function getToken(user) local ctoken = ngx.md5("user:" .. user .. "&key:" .. secretkey .. timeStr) return ctoken end function checkToken() local user = ngx.var.cookie_x_webauth_user local token = ngx.var.cookie_x_webauth_token local ctoken = getToken(user) if ctoken == token then return true else return false end end function isCookieExist() local user = ngx.var.cookie_x_webauth_user local token = ngx.var.cookie_x_webauth_token if user ~= nil and token ~= nil then return user else return false end end function Login(user) --[[ # grafana 配置文件中修改配置项 http_addr 绑定,拒绝外部访问,否则任何人都可以通过auth.proxy登录任意账号 # http_addr must bind to, otherwise everybody can login as any account(include admin) with auth.proxy # The ip address to bind to, empty will bind to all interfaces http_addr = nginx 添加如下配置 (add Nginx Configuration) location @client { proxy_pass; } --]] ngx.req.set_header("X-WEBAUTH-USER", user) ngx.exec("@client") end -- 管理员用户 function isAdmin(user) if user == "xxx" then return "admin" else return user end end function doLogin() local user = getSSOUser() local user = isAdmin(user) local x_token = getToken(user) ngx.header['Set-Cookie'] = {'x_webauth_user =' .. user , 'x_webauth_token = ' .. x_token} Login(user) end -- 退出 function Logout() if ngx.re.match(ngx.var.request_uri, "logout") then ngx.header['Set-Cookie'] = {'x_webauth_user = '} end end -- api do not use auth.proxy function api() if ngx.re.match(ngx.var.request_uri, "/api/") then ngx.req.clear_header("X-WEBAUTH-USER") ngx.exec("@client") end end api() Logout() local x_user = isCookieExist() if not x_user then doLogin() else if checkToken() then Login(x_user) else doLogin() --ngx.exit(401) end end |
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1. https://www.stavros.io/posts/writing-an-nginx-authentication-module-in-lua/ 2. https://blog.raintank.io/authproxy-howto-use-external-authentication-handlers-with-grafana/ 3. http://blog.csdn.net/langeldep/article/details/8629906 4. http://www.cnblogs.com/kyrios/p/ngx_lua-httpclient-using-capture-and-proxy.html |
local secretkey = 'your secretkey'
local key = 'your local key'
使用cas sso怎么单点呢
单点登录认证成功后,仍旧跳到observer login界面,收到去掉网址中的/login就显示已经登录了,这是为什么呢?是grafana配置有什么设置吗
不太明白,observer login界面是什么?
为了使用api,需要在location /前加上 location /api/ 的配置,跳过sso认证location /api/ { proxy_pass; }
重定向至登录前页面:1. sso的next参数改为 http://grafana/?uri={ngx.var.uri} 来记录跳转到sso之前的请求uri2. 认证过了之后,先设置cookie,然后 ngx.redirect('http://grafana' .. args['uri']),最后调用 Login(user)函数
zabbix 使用http认证,也可以实现类似的 sso 登录。 在header里发送 -H "Authorization:Basic QWxxxxxx"